Sono un fotografo paesaggista specializzato nella cattura di immagini di ambienti naturali ed esterni. Il mio obiettivo è mostrare la bellezza dei paesaggi, sia naturali che urbani, spesso viaggiando in luoghi remoti e pittoreschi per trovare le scene più suggestive. Le principali caratteristiche e competenze che possiedo includono occhio artistico e composizione, conoscenza della luce, competenza tecnica, pazienza e perseveranza, preparazione e pianificazione, capacità di post-elaborazione, rispetto ambientale e passione per la natura.

Una stanza vuota, illuminata da una luce soffusa che entra da una finestra socchiusa, diventa l’intera storia. Al centro, una macchina fotografica d’epoca riposa su un tavolo solitario, circondata da vecchie foto sparse. Le ombre si allungano sui muri, sussurrando ricordi non detti. L’immobilità sembra viva, una pausa carica di significato.

Gli NFT rappresentano una rivoluzione nel modo in cui possiamo possedere, trasferire e collezionare asset digitali. Gli NFT continuano ad evolversi, influenzando numerosi settori e ridefinendo come percepiamo il valore di asset digitali. If interested contact me.

Godetevi le foto e non esitate a contattarmi per l'acquisto!

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Attraverso la fotografia, catturo emozioni, storie e momenti fugaci, preservando l'essenza di ciò che sento e vedo. Trasforma queste esperienze in ricordi visivi senza tempo che riecheggiano a lungo dopo che se ne sono andati.
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Voyage in Canical

Madeira's rolling hills are softly illuminated by the stars. A plane crosses overhead, its lights blinking as it glides silently, leaving a faint trail with the star that shine.
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Búðakirkja, the black church, stands silhouetted under the vibrant aurora borealis. The colorful northern lights dance across the night sky, creating a magical, serene contrast with the church's striking, dark form.
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Destiny Church

In this image is possible to appreciate this church, Destiny Church located in New Zealand, during midnight. The sky is into Dark Sky Reserve and it's possible to see the length of the galaxy from a complete extension. The church built in 1935 appears in Heritage New Zealand
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Dunvegan Castle

Dunvegan Castle, located on the Isle of Skye in Scotland, is the ancestral home of the MacLeod clan chiefs. Surrounded by breathtaking landscapes, it offers a spectacular view of the sea. Its history dates back to the Middle Ages.
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The photo shows Kirkufell’s towering peak, surrounded by a frozen waterfall. Ice clings to the cascading water, creating a stark contrast with the snowy landscape, evoking Iceland's cold, untouched beauty.
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The image shows the silhouette of a flying eagle, within which stone steps covered in green vegetation can be seen. Climbing plants and moss create a contrast with the background, suggesting a theme of nature blending with architectural elements.
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Beauty of Nature

The beauty of nature lies in its vibrant landscapes, serene forests, majestic mountains, flowing rivers, colorful sunsets, delicate flowers, diverse wildlife, fresh air, starry skies, and calming seas—an endless source of peace and wonder.
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Passion for Nature

Article with lens magazine 2024 issue 112.
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Questa splendida cascata si trova negli altopiani dell'Islanda. Il fiume è il più lungo d'Islanda e in questo punto ha un dislivello di quasi 20 metri in un paesaggio aspro di basalto nero. Questo fiume scorre nella baia di Skjalfandi, portando molti nutrienti per tutta la vita che vive lì, come molte specie di balene.
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Landscape Discovery #1

Landscape discovery is born by the view of the black and white frames with cubes or circulars forms to express the inbreed nature of the landscape to the modernity.
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Two powerful orca fins rise from the water, creating a splash of droplets as they breach. The contrast of dark fins against the shimmering sea captures the raw energy and majesty of these creatures.
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Tree at night

The magazine's platform not only highlights my work but also connects my vision with a wider audience, offering an incredible opportunity for growth and recognition in the photography community.
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La regione nord-occidentale dell'Islanda è dove si trova uno dei villaggi più remoti e settentrionali dell'Islanda (Raufarhöfn). Qui è dove viene costruita questa fantastica costruzione moderna, ispirata a un poema islandese e allineata con il paradiso. Non capita spesso di vedere la Via Lattea e l'aurora boreale allo stesso tempo. È stato incredibile, soprattutto in questo posto.
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The orca's tail emerges powerfully from the water, showing its dark, arched shape. When it hits the surface, it raises white spray that sparkles in the sun, creating a spectacular effect of foam and small, bright rainbows
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66°33′45.9″ NORTH
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The image shows a macaque walking along a rocky cliff, with a calm sea in the background, several ships on the horizon, and a gray sky creating a dramatic atmosphere.
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Attraverso la fotografia, catturo emozioni, storie e momenti fugaci, preservando l'essenza di ciò che sento e vedo. Trasforma queste esperienze in ricordi visivi senza tempo che riecheggiano a lungo dopo che se ne sono andati.
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Breath of the Arctic

This image captures an opening in the ice, through which the distinctive silhouette of an orca (Orcinus orca) can be seen, framed by the surrounding white ice. Orcas in the cold waters of Iceland often rely on natural or artificial openings in the ice.
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Breath of the Arctic

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La luna piena splende intensamente nel cielo notturno, maestosa e luminosa. La sua luce argentea illumina il paesaggio, creando un'atmosfera di calma, mistero e incanto sotto un cielo stellato
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A black-and-white photo captures climbers ascending the Gran Paradiso. Amid rocks and snow, they move with determination, their long shadows stretching over the icy slopes. The contrast between their effort and the mountain's majesty conveys a sense of timeless grandeur and endless adventure, suspended in silence.
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A breathtaking photo captures two whales diving, their massive tails rising gracefully from the water. The sun glints off their sleek, iridescent bodies as they create a trail of sparkling splashes, embodying power and elegance in perfect harmony with the ocean.
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Tree at night

New Zealand is one of the most beautiful place where to find the most precious nature in the world. The sky is into a Dark Sky Reserve and the plants are endemics. In the picture you can appreciate the whole length of our galaxy behind this pine.
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Passion for Nature

especially for landscapes
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Beauty of Nature

A waterfall cascades powerfully over rugged rocks into the serene waters of Milford Sound. Mist rises as water crashes, creating a dramatic contrast against the lush, green cliffs of New Zealand's fjord.
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This image shows Aldeyjarfoss, a waterfall in Iceland, surrounded by towering basalt columns. The water flows turbulently, creating a long-exposure effect, with volcanic rocks in the foreground.e
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The image shows a rocky coastline immersed in a surreal atmosphere, with dark boulders emerging from milky water. A pale sphere, resembling a moon, reflects, creating a mysterious and dreamlike effect.
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"no cruety" by me
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River that flows in Iceland during winter.
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Docu magazine & Matteo Redaelli

Copertina della rivista DOCU Special Edition, dedicata a Matteo Redaelli. Al centro, un’immagine in bianco e nero raffigura un paesaggio aereo complesso. Sotto, il motto “Print Is Not Dead” e dettagli di pubblicazione: Volume 1, 2024.
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Tree at night

New Zealand is one of the most beautiful place where to find the most precious nature in the world. The sky is into a Dark Sky Reserve and the plants are endemics. In the picture you can appreciate the whole length of our galaxy behind this pine.
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Winterscape from the lake
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The image shows a macaque walking along a rocky cliff, with a calm sea in the background, several ships on the horizon, and a gray sky creating a dramatic atmosphere.
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Elegance in the Ocean
The image depicts a minimalist black-and-white scene of an orca in the ocean, with only its dorsal fin emerging from the water. Digital post-processing creates a soft, ethereal effect, fading the background into white and emphasizing the fin’s sleek shape and reflection.
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